Welcome to the national registration page for the WSA Denmark 2017!

Sorry, the registration for this award has been closed. If you have already registered, you can still complete your data by logging in.
Here you can submit you mobile innovation with high impact on society to be reviewed by your national expert. Please register to get your login data for the WSA Contest Database! We wish you best of luck! Questions? Contact us!

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Please enter the credentials you received by mail from us or sign in with an existing account from former awards.

For more information please visit www.worldsummitawards.org/.


Per Bach


Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark originally started as an alumni for former students on the Master in Social Entrepreneurship (MSE) at The University of Roskilde in May 2010. In 2012 the association was opened for everyone interested in promoting the field of social entrepreneurship.
The association provides support to social enterprises by facilitating knowledge sharing and exchanges of experiences and ideas through network meetings, conferences, study trips and other events.
SED produces the most substantial newsletter in the field in Denmark with news on social entrepreneurship, social innovation, social enterprise, co-production, voluntary work, impact investment from Denmark and the rest of the world.
SED is also involved in a varity of projects conducted alone or with different partners. This includes different EU and nordic funded projects with partners from Scandinavia and Baltic Sea countries. SED is mainly run on voluntary work. The organisation currently has 120 members all over Denmark.

Register now!

Please fill in your personal information in order to create a user account. Afterwards you will be able to sign in and register projects to submit to the contest.


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