Welcome to the national registration page for the WSA Senegal 2024!

Submit your digital innovation contributing to the achievement of one of the UN SDGs. Your application will be reviewed by your national expert. One local solution per WSA award category can be nominated by your national expert to the WSA Global competition.

Please register to get your login data for the WSA Contest Database! We wish you best of luck! Questions? Contact us!

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Please enter the credentials you received by mail from us or sign in with an existing account from former awards.

For more information please visit www.wsa-global.org/.

You and your team developed a digital solution with a positive impact on your local users?
You want to receive global recognition and be nominated for the WSA 2024?

WSA selects and promotes local digital innovation improving society.
It is a non-monetary award system with a focus on sustainable knowledge transfer through a worldwide network.
Winners benefit not from a one-time financial reward, but a lifelong partnership and integration.

WSA invites all UN member states to nominate their best local digital solutions for the global award.

In order to get nominated, your National Expert, needs to recognize and select your solution as best digital impact solution in one of the 8 WSA categories from your country.
Each country can only nominate one project/solution per category per year.  

Here, WSA team collected comprehensive information for your use.



Be it a wearable to help the blind using smartphones, or a VR reanimating history-   WSA offers a platform for those, who think beyond the box.

Since 2003, over 600 Winners have been selected from over 82000 nominations, presenting a diameter of innovation from Indonesia to Argentina, from Iceland to New Zealand. Be it a tool for accurate diagnostics of wounds, a webpage to organize international meetings for you or a political think tank, the WSA Winners offer a vast spectre of digital innovation.

Check out the WSA Winning Projects.

WSA seeks and recognizes Global Best Practices in digital Solutions achieving the UN SDGs
Become a Member of this Global Community, Turning Network Capital Into Professional Friendships
Global. Digital. Purpose Driven

WSA (World Summit Awards) is a unique awards system, selecting and promoting local digital innovation to improve society.

  • Global competition for digital solutions contributing to the UN SDGs
  • Focus on Digital Innovation and Creativity and Social Entrepreneurship

  • Active in over 182 UN member states

  • National pre-selection by global experts network: local winners = nominees for global WSA

  • 8 Categories

  • WSA Global Congress and Winners Award Ceremony

  • Conducted since 2003 

The World Summit Award (WSA) was founded in 2003 by Austria as part of the UN World Summit on Information Society as a global initiative to award local digital content with high social value and presents it worldwide. Through close cooperation with the United Nations agencies and strategic alignment with the UN SDGs, the WSA is a globally recognized quality seal for digital innovation.

Check out our webpage, for more information: www.wsa-global.org

And follow us on:




World Summit Awards is a nomination based system. To be considered for the Global Contest, you need to be nominated by a local National Expert. To apply for WSA local pre-selection round, you have to provide detailed information on your solution in this WSA Nomination Database.

Here you can find guidelines on how to fill out the application, rules of the contest, eligibility, tips and guiding questions for the Application. Please make sure to go through the materials, so that your submission has the highest chance of being nominated!

To make your user experience as flawless as possible, please refer to the Database user Manual.

If you run into any difficulties, don't hesitate to contact the WSA Office!


Fatoumata Niang Niox


Active citizen, Fatim, her nickname, participated in making the generation of opportunities as a response to the illegal immigration of young people in Senegal, Morocco, Ivory Coast and Cape Verde. As former director of jokkolabs, She contributes to the development of the initiative in Africa by supporting open innovation and incubation programs.
She organized the global entrepreneurship week campaign in Senegal from 2016 to 2022 and led the organisation of this incredible network. She has been recognized by the authorities of the country for serving. She also build delegation from Senegal and brings the Special council of the president to the GEC in Bahrein.
Her commitment to education is unequivocal and is materialized by the deployment of innovative programs like “Educalab”, a program she implements by supporting women educators, teachers and academics to keep girls in school under a design thinking methodology. She is also the West Africa coordinator of the Africa Code Week initiative that builds the capacity of communities to spread digital education in Africa and teachs young people the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century. Fatim had also runned the position of French-speaking representative for the Afrilabs network; She is also co-Founder of Women Incub, an initiative that supports the strengthening of illiterate women or those who drop out of school early to strengthen their capacities and using digital technology to accelerate their projects.
She is member of the task force for I4policy, which make advocacy for tech hubs for Africa.

She is also co founder of Consotium jeunesse Senegal, the first ever suceessful collaboration between organization leading young people as actor for their development. In the meantime in 2021, she found ACCEENT, an organisation which aim to contribute to education and digital though the continent and by focusing in population skills.
She is working for social inequality and fight against poverty, by leading employability programs and women empowerment.

Fatoumata launched the acceent campus in 2024, to support young people in their career choices, with specific programs such as ACCEENT4ELLES, which helps girls with early pregnancies to reintegrate into society and the workplace.
She aim to create a network of trainers and supporters for entrepreneurs in each territories, to make supporting entreprises more democratic.

Register now!

Please fill in your personal information in order to create a user account. Afterwards you will be able to sign in and register projects to submit to the contest.

To ensure my participation at one of the ICNM contests (World Summit Award, WSA Young Innovators) I am aware that the use of my submitted personal data is necessary.
The data will be submitted via ICNM (International Center for New Media, a registered society in Leopoldskronstrasse 30, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, organizing the WSA and WSA Young Innovators ) and will be kept minimum for the duration of the contest.
What is more, with my participation I give my consent to be included in future mailings about events and contests by ICNM, WSA and WSA Young Innovators. I can withdraw my consent any time (contact details below). The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
I have rights pursuant to GDPR in relation to the processing of your personal data, for example a right to information, data porting, to object and to erasure. In order to assert these rights and address other issues relating to the processing of personal data with ICNM, WSA and WSA Young Innovators , please contact them at: ICNM (International Center for New Media, Subject matter: Data protection query, Leopoldskronstrasse 30, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. Please alternatively forward your queries on the subject of data protection to: office@icnm.net.

I also have a right of appeal to the data protection authority of Austria on matters relating to data protection: www.dsb.gv.at.


ICNM – International Center for New Media
Leopoldskronstraße 30
A - 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T: +43.660.6304081

Web: www.icnm.net